Montgomery Road, Pleasant Ridge OH


  • 4,300+ SF interior renovation and new exterior entry/patio
  • Conversion of former office space into a new coffee shop
  • Restoration of original building openings, adding natural light and views to the interior

Montgomery Road, Pleasant Ridge OH


  • 4,300+ SF interior renovation and new exterior entry/patio
  • Conversion of former office space into a new coffee shop
  • Restoration of original building fenestration, adding natural light and views to the interior

Terrex helps recreate new Coffee Exchange in Pleasant Ridge

On June 7, 2018, a devastating three-alarm fire broke out in the apartment above the Coffee Exchange in Pleasant Ridge. Owners of the shop, Sarah and Joe Peters, were relieved that no one was hurt, but their business suffered a total loss. Sarah and Joe were introduced to Terrex with the intent of rebuilding, but were unable to convince the building owners to do so. Undaunted, Sarah and Joe, found another available building just down the street that offered them more space, adjacent parking, and the opportunity to create an even better Coffee Exchange shop.

Sarah and Joe engaged Terrex to help them renovate the 4,300 SF space into their new coffee shop and bakery cafe. The new space required restoring the original building facade and windows, which dramatically increased the natural light and views from within. The interiors were gutted to the structure and the new construction of the space created areas for cafe style seating, bar area, bakery kitchen, radio studio, meeting rooms, and a small merchandise area. The new Coffee Exchange is an incredible story of perseverance and Terrex is proud of the role we could play to help Sarah and Joe achieve their new vision.

Project Summary:

  • 4,300+ SF interior renovation
  • Converted existing office to retail coffee shop
  • Restored original building fenestration to bring in natural light and views
  • Program added new kitchen, bar area, seating, radio room, and communal areas.

Terrex Services:
conceptual budgeting, cost estimating, bidding, and construction management

Design Team:

  • WiFIVE architects